
HydraPro is NOT a replacement of the GoPro Quik app. Lakeshorelogic and HydraPro are not affiliated with GoPro Inc.

What it is

HydraPro is a super-remote for GoPro cameras.

What it is NOT

HydraPro does not replace the GoPro Quik app. It offers an alternative to some of the camera control functions that are available through the Bluetooth interface.

Example of some functions which are available in the GoPro Quik app, but not in HydraPro ;

  • Camera to phone pairing.
  • Naming the camera
  • Add, remove, and modify presets.
  • Firmware updates.
  • All media functions like download, delete, etc.
  • Video editing.


  • Uses Bluetooth only.
  • Control up to 8 cameras.
  • Control camera(s) individually or together.
  • Recording on/off linked to GPS speed detected by phone.
  • Set camera modes and presets.
  • Save preferred modes and presets so that they are set automatically when modes are changed.
  • Special HydraPro “loop” picture mode.
  • Turn camera(s) on or off.
  • Camera status display (battery, SD card storage, recording time, current mode, current preset, …).
  • Easy to use user interface with large fonts and controls.

Supported Cameras

GoPro modelSupportedModesPresets
Hero 12 BlackYesYesYes
Hero 11 BlackYesYesYes
Hero 11 MiniYesYesYes
Hero 10 BlackYesYesYes
Hero 9 BlackYesYesYes
Hero 8 BlackYesNoNo
Hero 7???
Hero 6 Black???
Hero 5 Black???
Hero 4Yes (IOS only)NoNo
Hero 3???
? = unknown / not tested

For the versions marked with “?”, if the GoPro Quik app can connect with Bluetooth, HydraPro will still work correctly but have limited control of the camera. Start/Stop recording and standby mode will work. But setting presets will not work.

Installation IOS

  • Install from App store.
  • Start the App.
  • IOS will ask for authorizations.

HydraPro needs Bluetooth for communications with the camera.



HydraPro will not do the pairing of the camera(s) with the host device. Use the GoPro Quik app to do the pairing before starting HydraPro.

HydraPro needs Location services to get the speed.

Allow While Using App

HydraPro will not record speeds and/or locations during its operation.

HydraPro needs Location services when the app is running in the background. If this is declined, HydraPro will not get speed updates while it is running in the background, preventing it from doing speed activation.

Change to always Allow

Scanning for cameras

HydraPro starts in scanning mode.
In this mode it waits for cameras to signal their presence by sending a Bluetooth packet to announce that they are available for connection. The phone will only a connection to the cameras that have already been paired to the phone by using the GoPro Quik app.

If no cameras are detected, HydraPro will stay in this mode forever. No other functions are available in the app until at least one camera is detected.

A GoPro camera can be completely OFF or in STANDBY mode. The camera is only OFF after extended periods of standby time or after a battery change. All other times the camera is in STANDBY mode. It enters this mode after auto-power off, by holding the power button until the camera powers off or by using the power OFF function in HydraPro or the Quik app.

The main difference between the OFF and STANDBY modes is that in STANDBY mode, apps that communicate to the camera through Bluetooth are able to turn the camera back on, while if the camera is in OFF mode, apps cannot communicate with the camera, so it is not possible to send a command to the camera to turn it on.
If no cameras are detected by HydraPro , hit the power button on the camera to make sure it is turned ON.

Every 30 seconds a message will pop up, warning that no cameras are being detected. You can either click the OK button or the popup will disappear automatically until showing up again after 30 seconds.

The “User Guide” button will open a browser showing the user guide.

Main Control Screen

Once HydraPro has found at least one camera it can connect to, the main screen will show and allow for camera control.

The main screen will be arranged differently depending on the number of connected cameras.

Up to 8 cameras supported.

Main Control Areas

1. General Control Area

The top one third (black background) is for general control and setup.
Used to:

  • Control all connected cameras simultaneously.
  • Enter the general setup screen.
  • Activate the background camera scanning.
  • Set all cameras to standby or activate all cameras from standby.
  • Activate the speed-activation pause.
  • Check the session counter or rest the counter to zero.

Set all cameras to standby mode.

Bring all cameras back from standby mode.

Open the general setup page.

Force a scan cycle.

Actively scanning.

Open the Info, Licenses & About page.

Set speed pause. Skip next speed activation.

Speed pause is activated.

Start recording on all cameras NOW.

Can not start recording in the current state.

Recording counter (number of recording starts).

2. Camera Control Area

The middle one third is for the camara which is currently selected for control.
Used to:

  • Start/Stop recording for selected camera.
  • Control selected camera.
  • Check battery and sd-card status.
  • Enter individual camera setting screen,
  • Set individual camera to standby or bring it back from standby.
  • Change the camera mode.

Camera Name.

Set all cameras to standby mode.

Bring all cameras back from standby mode.

Open the camera setup page.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is GREEN.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is ORANGE.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is RED.

Select Video mode.

Video Mode Selected.

Select Time Lapse mode.

Time Lapse Mode Selected.

Select Photo mode.

Photo Mode Selected.

Select Photo Loop mode.

Photo Loop Mode Selected.

Start/Stop recording on this camera NOW.

Can not start recording in the current state.

Selected preset for the current mode.

Recording counter.
In video and TL mode: seconds recorded.
In Photo and Photo loop mode: number of pictures taken.

3. Camera Status Area

The bottom one third shows all the connected cameras. The selected camera is framed in yellow.
Used to:

  • Start/Stop recording for individual cameras.
  • Check status of all connected cameras.
  • Check battery and sd-card status.
  • Select individual camera for control.

Camera Name.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is GREEN.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is ORANGE.

Battery & SD-card status:
Battery status is RED.

Selected camera.
This camera is selected and duplicated in the camera control area, allowing for complete control.

Start/Stop recording on this camera NOW.

Can not start recording in the current state.

Control Area Background Colors & Status.

Camera connected and ready to accept commands.

Camera not connected.

Camera recording.

Camera in standby mode.

Camera Status Area positioning.

The cameras will be positioned in the camera status area grid in the order in which they connected. But it is usually better to have them in the same position every time.

To accomplish this the camera name can be appended with a control character ‘@’ and a number. For example: “Front11 @1” and “Side10 @2”.
The number indicates the order in which this camera will be added to the grid.
In this example, the camera with name “Front11 @1” will show up in the first available grid position and “Side10 @2” will show up in the second grid position.
If only “Side10 @2” connects then it will get grid position 1 for the complete session or until camera “Front11 @1” connects. Grid positions will be reordered whenever the cameras connect.
Cameras without the ordering string in the name will be added after the ones with an ordering string in the name.

To change the camera name, use the GoPro Quik app. HydraPro will strip the position control off the name for its displays of the camera name.

General Setup.

Speed Activation.

Change the speed settings on ALL cameras.

Speed Activation: speed activation for ALL cameras ON or OFF.

Speed Units: KPH or MPH.

Speed Trigger: ALL connected cameras will start recording over the set speed and will stop recording under the set speed.

Speed Linger: ALL connected cameras will keep recording for the linger time after the speed drops below the trigger speed.

SET: change the active settings but do NOT save permanently.

SET & SAVE: change the active settings and save permanently.

Licenses & About.

Version information and licenses.

UELA: open a browser and show the current UELA (terms of use).

Privacy: open a browser and show the current Privacy Statement for the product.

License: open a browser and show the current license for the product.

User Guide: open a browser and show the current User Guide.

Camera Setup.


Change default camera mode and the default preset for each camera mode.

Saved Mode:
Current mode is the save mode. The camera will be set to this mode when the camera is connected.

Saved: the preset will be saved as the default preset for this camera in this mode.

Set: the preset will be set as the current preset for this camera, but will not be saved as the default.

In this example, camera “Front12” has selected the preset “Photo” as the default preset for “Photo” mode. But “Photo” mode is not the default or current mode set on the camera.

In this example, camera “Side10” has selected the preset “Activity” as the default and current (set) preset for “Video” mode.
And “Video” mode is the default or current mode set on the camera.

Speed Activation.

Change the speed settings on the selected camera.

Speed Activation: speed activation for the selected camera ON or OFF.

Speed Trigger: the selected camera will start recording when going over the set speed and will stop recording when going under the set speed.

Speed Linger: the selected camera will keep recording for the linger time after the speed drops below the trigger speed.

SET: change the active settings but do NOT save permanently.

SET & SAVE: change the active settings and save permanently.

Note: To change the speed unit setting (mph, kph) use the “All Cameras” speed settings from the general settings page.

Use of Standby Mode.

Standby mode can be used to switch the cameras to a mode in which they use less power. It will also save power on the phone because there will be no more Bluetooth communication while standing by.

Set all cameras to standby mode.

Bring all cameras back from standby mode.

The cameras can be set in standby mode in a situation where they will not be used for a while. They can then be brought back from standby mode to be used again. Setting them to standby mode is immediate, but bringing them back takes a while, so that has to be taken into consideration when deciding to go in standby mode.

A camera can also be set in standby mode if it has to be excluded from the session. As long as that camera is not set in standby mode in HydraPro , the app will always bring it back from standby. The only other way to exclude it would be to remove the battery from the camera.
So, to exclude one camera from the session, select the camera from the status area so that it shows in the control area and hit the standby button. The camera background will turn gray, indicating it is in standby mode. HydraPro will ignore this camera but the other cameras will operate normally.

Use of Scan.

When HydraPro comes up it start a very short scanning interval. Once a camera is found and connected it will start an internal timer that will gradually increase the scan interval while the app is running. This interval will be short enough during the first two minutes to detect and connect additional cameras being turned on. Gradually though the scan interval will grow so large that it would take minutes for a new camera to be detected. To detect and connect a camera that has been turned on some time after the app has been running with another camera connected, tap the scan icon to force the interval back to the initial short interval.

Force a scan cycle.

Actively scanning.

The icon changes color while a scan cycle is active.

Use of Modes and Presets.

GoPro cameras have a number of factory presets available in the camera and also allow for creation of custom presets.

HydraPro does not provide a way to edit or add presets in the camera, but it will allow for selecting the available presets in the camera.

HydraPro is limited to providing control of the camera modes and presets that are available in the camera. All cameras have Video mode, but some do not have Photo or TimeLapse modes.
If Photo mode is available, HydraPro will add a 4th mode: Photo Loop Mode (see below).

Each mode can have its specific preset selected and saved, so that when modes are changed, the preset tied to that mode in the settings is automatically set in the camera.

HydraPro has full control of the camera when it is running. If the mode or preset is changed from the camera screen, HydraPro will override the camera selection and force its current saved setting.

Use of Photo Loop.

Photo loop is an alternative to photo burst mode. There are differences which in some applications might make this mode preferable to the GoPro photo mode burst preset.

The GoPro burst mode works by shooting a sequence of photos in quick succession and then storing them on the SD-card. This makes for a sequence of photos with a very short time gap in between the photos.
This is usually great for shooting action sequences, like an athlete’s jump or a dog catching a frisbee.

But what about a sequence where it is more important to take a lot of photos for a longer period? For example, taking a sequence of pictures from a camera mounted on a bike driving a beautiful Alpine Road. The longest burst rate setting for the GoPro presets is 10 seconds, hardly enough to cover enough terrain.

This is where HydraPro Photo Loop is useful. When set to that mode, HydraPro will send a command to the camera to start recording and then wait for the camera status to go back to idle before sending another command and so on, until the recording mode is stopped. If the preset for photo loop mode is set to single photos, it will result in string of photos that can be as long as the recording is on. Photo loop will also work if the selected preset is set to burst mode, it will result in a string of burst photo strings.

Use of Record.

Start recording when tapped.

Can not start recording in the current state.

Recording active, stop recording when tapped.

Recording can be started from the general control area, which will start recording on all connected cameras.
Recording on a specific camera can be started from either the camera control area or from the camera status area.

Recording is the only camera state that will not be overridden by HydraPro when it is started from the camera itself. When recording is started from the camera, HydraPro will detect and reflect the recording mode on that camera.

The general control area will be in recording mode if any of the cameras is in recording mode. Therefore, it will allow for recording control in that state as well. If at least one camera is recording, tapping the record control in the general area will stop the recording on all the cameras that are actively recording.

The Camera control area will show the number of seconds recorded in video and time-lapse mode and the number of photos taken in photo mode and photo loop mode.

Use of Speed Pause.

Set speed pause. Skip next speed activation.

Speed pause is activated.

In some situations, it might not be desirable to start recording at the next speed transition passing the set threshold speed.

When the speed pause control is tapped, it is set to active state, indicated by turning it red. When active, the next speed transition will be ignored and recording with not be started.
The active state will be cleared manually by tapping the control again, turning it white again. Or automatically by the next speed transition going UNDER the threshold speed.

If the Location Services were not granted when the app was installed or if the permission was removed later, the speed activation cannot work, and the icon will remain red.
Permissions for HydraPro can be changed by using the IOS “Settings” for HydraPro.

Use of Recording Counter.

One recording session was started.

Recording counter is selected, next tap will reset to 0.

The recording counter will counter the number of times recording was started by HydraPro , either by speed transitions or by manually starting a recording.

The counter can be reset to 0 by tapping it to activate it, indicated by the red color, and then tapping it again to set it to 0.

Background Operation.

HydraPro will continue running in background mode (app swiped to the background while another app is in the foreground).


After connecting to a camera, HydraPro keeps in constant communication with the camera. Even when no commands are sent to the camera HydraPro sends a Bluetooth message to the camera every 3 seconds. If the camera does not get this special message every 3 seconds, it will disconnect. When a camera disconnects, HydraPro will immediately go back into scanning mode to try to reconnect to the camera.
Bluetooth range can vary greatly because of any number of reasons but should not be a problem in most cases with HydraPro’s typical use on cars, boats or bikes.
Note: water will greatly affect the range. If the camera is under water, even only for a couple of inches, the range is reduced to a couple of feet.